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Our workshop draws from a wide community of historians and graduate students based in the Washington, DC area, as well as scholars who are visiting temporarily. At present, our regular participants include the following:


Greg Afinogenov, Georgetown University

Zhanara Almazbekova, Georgetown University

Steven Barnes, George Mason University

Harley Balzer, Georgetown University

Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer, Georgetown University

Joseph Bradley, Villanova University

David Brandenberger, University of Richmond

Kate Brown, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Sarah Cameron, University of Maryland, College Park

Paula Chan, Georgetown University

Michael David-Fox, Georgetown University

Mikhail Dolbilov, University of Maryland, College Park

Diana Dumitru, Georgetown University

Catherine Evtuhov, Columbia University

Anton Fedyashin, American University

Michael Gelb, United States Memorial Holocaust Museum

David Goldfrank, Georgetown University

Andrey Gornostaev, University of Toronto

Steven Harris, University of Mary Washington

Abby Holekamp, University of Chicago

Isabelle Kaplan, George Washington University

Phil Kiffer, Georgetown University

Marlene Laruelle, Johns Hopkins University

Eric Lohr, American University

Thom Loyd, Queen Mary University of London

Amarilis Lugu de Fabritz, Howard University

Christine Ruane, Villanova University

Liudmila Sharaya, University of Maryland, College Park

Stanislav Tarasov, Georgetown University

Christine Worobec, Northern Illinois University

Perry Young, Georgetown University



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